Sunday and Monday, start of the week

Not a lot going on, but really a lot going on. With 550 entries this year the days are filled with races. For the NSC/MN crowd most have seen on FB that Tim Mulrooney rode great and ended up with silver in his Individual Pursuit effort, avg. speed, 50.??? kph. Great ride Timmer, congratulations. Others of us are just trying to relax and get enough warm up efforts to keep active before our scheduled events. Both Jen and I have events on Monday. Jen has a Team Pursuit, me a Scratch race both in the evening schedule which starts at 17:45 or 5:45 P.M. There should be an hour (which really means about 50 minutes)  of track warm up time prior to but that is usually packed and groups of riders are let on to the track for about 10-15 minutes at a time. Some kind of roller/trainer warm up highly recommended. Time, food, rest and activation management critical.

More to come when the night is over.