1 Training in Boulder to start

The last year or so I’ve planned to spend some time in Boulder for training prior to Worlds, finally I’ve put that plan in effect for the 2017 LA Worlds event. Trips to Europe and Boulder earlier in the year with my Aussie buddy has helped a lot to get me fit. Working with a new coach certainly has helped as well. (Allen Bean, through Training Peaks- thanks Allen)

My time this last week in Boulder has been challenging weather wise, mostly cool with significant rain. Kind of reminds me of April this year when I was here and had to put up with cool, rain and snow. What’s up Boulder? Not that I haven’t found ways to train. A rain ride around Longmont where I’m staying, a drive to Dillon for a  somewhat warmer and partly sunny ride, a 40 minute Boulder velodrome warm up for a race night that got rained out, a drive to Colorado Springs for a 2 hour ride in the covered velodrome there, a road ride with Andy K that missed the rain and finally a race day at BVV that started with major fog but after an hour or so delay ended in a warmish sunny day and all the races got fit in, amazing. I’ve got 2 more days here and  then a few days of driving to get to LA (Carson CA really) and hopefully a Team Sprint on the first day, Oct 8th, if Ray and I can find a 3rd rider. I’m hoping the next 2 days will be warm and sunny, come on mother nature give us a break.

Well, that was Saturday when I wrote the last of this and the next few days didn’t work out great weather wise. Sunday was ok and allowed an outdoor ride, cool but doable with all the extra warm gear I brought or bought here. Monday, rain all day, cold. Late in the day I got a chance to reclaim my rollers from the BVV bunker, set them up in the basement apartment and do an indoor Zwift trainer ride, sad. Packing and then an early start on Tuesday to start driving to LA via a southern route, Albuquerque, Grant, Barstow,  to avoid any mountain snow left over from the Monday weather.